bohme alcoholic chocolates

More than a month ago, I went a little Halloren-crazy and I bought five of their chocolate boxes: two Halloren Pralines de Maitre Paul ones and three Halloren Kugeln ones. Being the curious creature that I am, I started looking around their website ( That way, I learned that Halloren also make Bohme. We don't get many sweets with the Halloren label here. But we get a lot of Bohme! The only things we don't get out of the range presented on are the chocolate-coated jellies, the Silver Block and the Couverture chocolate. We get the rest - the plain jellies (tried them, lovely!), the mint chocolates (I don't like mint, so I don't touch stuff like that), the fruit-filled Bohme chocolate bars (tried them, not my thing), the Rum Balls (tried them, they'd be a lot better without the chocolate chips) and... the alcoholic chocolates! Brandy Beans, Cherry & Brandy, Cream & Irish Whishy... these three were actually the first Bohme products I have ever tried. But that was a long, long time ago (hmmm, seven years ago?) and I didn't remember anything about how they tasted... I only remembered trying them. That usually indicates they weren't anything extreme - not brilliant, but not unpleasant either. My first encounter with Lindt also happened seven years ago and I still cannot forget those moments of cinnamon-flavoured milk chocolate heaven that came out of a red wrapper with golden decorations. Yes, I still have the wrapper (outside, inside). And some of the other lovely Lindt wrappers.

Well, since they weren't bad and they were alcoholic chocolates, I thought they would deserve an entry in the scrapbook. So I grabbed the Cherry & Brandy and the Cream & Irish Whisky on the first occasion. I left the Brandy Beans for another occasion as I didn't even know how I woud manage to get the first two inside the really small bag (the black one in this picture) I had that day. It was one of those cold October days when my fingers wanted to hide inside my warm pockets, not to freeze carrying boxes or shopping bags.

I'm generally not impressed with the packaging of Bohme products. I like the colorful plastic bags that the fruit jellies come in, they look pretty and they manage to clearly show what lies inside. Same goes for the plastic bag the Rum Balls come in - it has that image of the rum barrel near a palm tree. The Brandy Beans box looks quite nice. But the other Bohme products don't look that great. Oh, well, nevermind - it's not like the taste always reflects the look of the packaging, right? I know, many times it does. But just as many times it doesn't. And that goes both ways.

Coming back to the chocolates I bought, they were described as "alcohol chocolates with cream liqueur filling in whole milk and dark chocolates" (Cream & Irish Whisky) and "cherry & brandy filled chocolates" (Cherry & Brandy). Opening the boxes, I could see... well, check the pictures below.

There were 15 chocolates in each of the two 150g boxes. The Cream & Irish Whisky chocolates were lighter in colour and had a glossy look. The Cherry & Brandy were darker (though the chocolate they were made of was still milk chocolate, check the ingredients) and didn't look as nice as they were covered in bloom. Such a pity, they would have been pretty otherwise, having those cherries carved on top. None of them smelled of much. In the name of science (haha!) I took a knife and I cut one of the Cream & Irish Whisky chocolates in two and... as you can see, that resulted in such an awful mess. I thought they said the filling was a cream! Oh... pity I don't have an undo button for my real life actions... The chocolate and the filling were a pleasant combination. Nothing amazing, though.

Then my knife cut one of the Cherry & Brandy chocolates in two as well. I was more careful this time... quite unnecessarily, as you can see from the pictures above. There was no liquid filling in these chocolates. Better said, the liquid filling wasn't there anymore - it had escaped somehow and the chocolate floor got sucked inside (two more pictures: 1, 2).

It's not the first time I see something like this. Until the beginning of May this year, I had never seen something similar. And then I bought those three Villars Larmes bars... which didn't have any liquid alcoholic filling anymore (pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Then there was the box of Virginias Liqueur-Dipped Cherries in Chocolate (pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4). Such a pity. Especially because, in all these cases, the chocolate itself did not taste bad.

» Cream & Irish Whisky: cream liqueur 45% (sugar, butter, alcohol, water, milk proteins, flavouring, cream, Irish Whiskey, caramel), sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, emulsifier: soya lecithin; bittersweet chocolate: min. 50% cocoa solids; milk chocolate: min. 30% cocoa solids; manufactured in a company which processes almonds, nuts and cereal products.
» Cherry & Brandy: sugar, cocoa mass, cherries 12%, glucose syrup, cocoa butter, brandy 8%, whole milk powder, emulsifier: soya lecithin; chocolate: min. 50% cocoa; may contain traces of nuts, almonds and gluten.

Storage: keep cool and dry.

Nutritional info per 100g of product:
» Cream & Irish Whisky: energy 475kcal, protein 4.3g, fat 24g, carbohydrates 53.2g.
» Cherry & Brandy: N/A.

» Cream & Irish Whisky: 7.3 lei (150g box); that's the equivalent of €1.69/ ₤1.5/ $2.36.
» Cherry & Brandy: 6.15 lei (150g box); that's the equivalent of €1.43/ ₤1.27/ $1.99.

Oh, and in case anyone was curious... it did take a little determination.

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with chocolate (38) chocolate (30) milk chocolate (27) dark chocolate (22) cocoa (13) ice-cream (13) Romania (12) Germany (11) cherry (11) alcohol (10) fruit (10) orange (10) caramel (9) hazelnut (9) vanilla (8) white chocolate (8) France (7) cake (7) muffin (7) chocolate chip (6) chocolate coating (6) cream (6) rum (6) spirit (6) Belgium (5) Halloren (5) Italy (5) coffee (5) filled chocolate (5) liqueur (5) wafer (5) Kaufland (4) Poland (4) almond (4) apple (4) marzipan (4) strawberry (4)