princess muffins

I seem to have gone a little muffin-crazy lately. I've tried... let me think... ten muffins in about three weeks. The last ones I've tried were from Princess. Unfortunately, they don't have a website that I can link to (or at least I haven't been able to find one), so I'll try my best to explain a few things about them. Princess are a chain of pastry shops that first appeared in 1996 in Hungary, in the centre of Budapest. Over the course of the next seven years, the business expanded all over Hungary. And then they went international - they can now also be found in the underground stations in Prague and Bucharest. I remember first seeing them in Bucharest about five years ago. They were present only in two underground stations back then - now they are present in five underground stations (photo). Most of their products are mini-strudel-like and strudel-like products. I remember also seeing croissants and miniature croissants, spirals and miniature spirals. And maybe they have more pastry products that I simply haven't noticed. They also sell sandwiches, soft drinks, chewing gum. And, at the end of this September, I noticed for the very first time that they had...

... muffins! Like I've said before, muffins are something relatively new for me. The excitement is not gone yet, I still want to try muffins, muffins, muffins! And the Princess muffins looked awfully delicious. They are kind of expensive (though not as expensive as Starbucks muffins), so I was delighted when I saw a poster saying "40% off for all pastry products!" What I didn't know was that muffins aren't pastry (I actually googled it at home and it looks like that's correct, they're not classified as pastry). Oh, well... I obviously wanted the muffins anyway.

The muffins are beautiful. I'm a little upset because my pictures don't do them justice. They really are among the most beautiful muffins I've ever seen. What was really funny was how I read the labels at their shop - I only noticed the second row of the label, so I went home with the thinking that I had bought a chocolate muffin, a blueberry muffin and and orange muffin. Another funny thing about muffins is that, whenever I buy more than one, I always leave the chocolate one last because I always imagine that one is going to be the best, but it rarely happens to be so.

In this case I started with the one in the top left corner, thinking it was just a blueberry muffin. I was in for a surprise, a very nice one even: gooey caramel. This muffin was a caramel blueberry muffin. And, oh, now I'm so sorry I didn't stop to take a picture of how it looked on the inside - it looked lovely. And it tasted just as good as it looked. The many gooey caramel drops inside the muffin ensured that, overall, it had a really nice moist feel - I love that in muffins. Next one, going clockwise, was the one I had thought was just an orange muffin. Well, it was a chocolate chip orange muffin and this time, I remembered to take a picture (I cannot believe I forgot to take a picture of how the first one looked inside... I didn't even eat it all at once). It deserved one - it was the tastiest muffin I've ever had. I know I'm being subjective here, I'm a huge fan of orange and lemons in sweets (sometimes I say that all you have to do to sell me something sweet is to put an orange or a lemon on the wrapper), perhaps people who like blueberries or caramel better than oranges would say the caramel blueberry muffin was better. I thought that one tasted great as well, but, personally, I prefer the chocolate chip orange muffin. The last one was a double chocolate muffin, which was also really good, but, after trying the first two, it just seemed a little boring and even though it retained a nice moisture from the chocolate chips, which felt soft, I thought the Delicious Choco Muffin was better than this one - it had liquid chocolate drops which meant additional moisture.

I have absolutely no idea what these contain and I think it's better that way - the "they were too good, let's not ruin that" thinking.

Price: 5.1 lei each; that's the equivalent of €1.19/ ₤1.05/ $1.66.

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