kaffee muffins

Kaffee. A coffee shop I had no idea it existed until four weeks ago when I accidentally saw it after leaving the bookstore with two heavy bags full of books. Doesn't that sound familiar? And I found no information on the internet. Anyway, it was raining, so I thought I should go in and see whether they have some nice cakes as well (I know, it's becoming quite a tradition... leave the bookstore with a lot of books, go somewhere I've never been before to see if they have cakes). I don't drink coffee. When I was very little, my parents and my dad's parents used to let me drink coffee whenever they did. And then I grew up and I didn't need it anymore. Same goes for alcohol. I do enjoy a glass of fruit liqueur a few times a year, but that's all. Most of the alcohol my taste buds meet now comes from chocolates. So whenever I go into a coffee shop, I go in hoping they also have cakes, not only coffee.

They had cakes. But I saw something else. Muffins! I've known about cakes all my like, but muffins... they're a recent discovery. And I obviuosly changed my mind. I didn't want any cake anymore - I wanted muffins! Not just one, but two! Doesn't that sound familiar as well? A Cocoa-Flavoured Muffin and an Apple-Flavoured Muffin. Got my two muffins, walked in the rain for one more hour or maybe more (lucky my books were covered in plastic foil and that my muffin bag was in my backpack - I didn't put my books in there because there wasn't enough room for all of them anyway). And then I got home. Moment of truth...

They weren't the best looking muffins I've seen. The Princess ones looked a lot better. I sniffed them, no strong scents. I took a first bite out of the apple-flavoured one and I felt disappointed - "where's the apple I paid for?" It wasn't in the scent and it wasn't in the taste either. A second bite changed things for the better. The taste of apple got stronger and I liked that. The muffin was not as moist as the Princess or the Starbucks ones and that's a minus for me. It wasn't exactly dry, but it wasn't as moist as I like my muffins to be. Unfortunately, the cocoa-flavoured one was even drier. And I have to confess that after feeling it in my mouth, I cut the rest into pieces and sank them into honey. And that's how I ate them.

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with chocolate (38) chocolate (30) milk chocolate (27) dark chocolate (22) cocoa (13) ice-cream (13) Romania (12) Germany (11) cherry (11) alcohol (10) fruit (10) orange (10) caramel (9) hazelnut (9) vanilla (8) white chocolate (8) France (7) cake (7) muffin (7) chocolate chip (6) chocolate coating (6) cream (6) rum (6) spirit (6) Belgium (5) Halloren (5) Italy (5) coffee (5) filled chocolate (5) liqueur (5) wafer (5) Kaufland (4) Poland (4) almond (4) apple (4) marzipan (4) strawberry (4)