solidarnosc liqueurs & vodka assortment

I had never heard of Solidarnosc (the name means "solidarity") until two weeks ago when I first spotted some of their Liqueurs & Vodka chocolate boxes in Auchan. As usual, I bought an assortment box because I wanted to give each flavour a try. The assortment boxes come in three colours (white, yellow and blue), but I couldn't notice any difference between them beside the main colour of the box. I chose a blue box.

Being the curious creature that I am, I had to look for more information about them. This is what I have found on their website:

Firma Cukiernicza Solidarnosc was founded on 4 June 1952. The beginning of the sixties saw the birth of the product which is the firm's pride, which remains in its product range to this day and continues to attract undiminished consumer interest, Naleczowska Plum in chocolate. 1994 was the date the product which has won most awards was introduced to the market. Chocolates with hazelnuts in cream "Golden Nut"

Combining tradition with modern management methods, Solidarnosc has created a brand thanks to which, today it has a very significant position on the market. The company's most important capital is the quality of its products, which is achieved thanks to modern technology and our own recipes. The products are distinguished by an unlimited range of flavours, and a colourful, esthetically pleasing and attractive graphic layout.

I also learned that they have a wide product range.

I wasn't that crazy about the look of the box, but I'm always willing to try chocolates with alcohol. I took the box out of its plastic wrapper and a nice liqueur smell hit me. That sure was a strong smell coming out of the chocolates. There were still a few layers of packaging to be taken off before getting to them. Inside the cardboard box, all the chocolates were contained in a transparent plastic box. And then they were individually wrapped in a double foil, the outer one being transparent.

There were sixteen chocolates in the 210g box, six Vodka ones, six Cherry ones and four Advocat ones. As I took one of each out of the box to take a picture, it suddenly hit me: red, yellow, blue... the colours of the Romanian flag. They looked really pretty unwrapped. They reminded me of the Pistachio chocolate from the Vobro Choco Party Best Wishes box. That wasn't a good thing. Fortunately, they smelled better than the Vobro chocolates. There was a strong liqueur smell and I could also detect some pleasant cocoa scents when taking them out of their individual wrappers.

I cut the Cherry one into two. Oh... I had quite a surprise. Usually, real chocolate fillings don't actually have those bright-coloured fillings that are shown on the packaging. It wasn't the case with this one. The filling was bright red, just as the image on the box indicated it would be. That was quite a shock for me. And I wasn't delighted about it. I thought it would taste like paint. Oh, I was going to be proven wrong... I first took a bite out of the half that had no more liqueur left inside. The initial taste was sweet, but then I started to feel the cocoa as well. This was a chocolate with an intense cocoa taste. The sweetness stayed and it balanced the intense cocoa taste in a very nice way. The second half was the one in which I had gathered that bright red filling. The one that I feared it would taste like paint. Well, it didn't. It actually tasted as it was supposed to taste - like cherry liqueur. And it was quite strong. At first there was nothing but that tongue burning sensation, then I started to feel the sweetness of that thin sugar shell and then the same nice chocolate.

The Advocat was next. Just like the Cherry, it had a brightly coloured filling. In terms of taste, it was a similar experience. The liqueur was the only thing that was different. The Vodka was last. It had a clear, nice looking filling. It was my least favourite, but that was only because of the liqueur. It wasn't bad, but I just didn't enjoy it as much as the first two (I'm having a hard time deciding which I liked best).

» Cherry: sugar, cocoa mass, glucose syrup, cocoa butter, water, spirit 5%, cherry concentrate 1%, vegetable fat, stabiliser: invertase, emulsifiers: soy lecithin & E476 & E492, flavours; may contain traces of nuts or egg yolks;
» Advocat: sugar, cocoa mass, glucose syrup, cocoa butter, water, spirit 5%, powdered egg yolks 4%, whole milk powder, vegetable fat, stabiliser: invertase, emulsifiers: soy lecithin & E476 & E492, flavours; may contain traces of nuts;
» Vodka: sugar, glucose syrup, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, water, spirit 5%, vegetable fat, stabiliser: invertase, emulsifiers: soy lecithin & E476 & E492, flavours; may contain traces of nuts or egg yolks.

Storage: keep in a cool and dry place.

Nutritional info per 100g of product: 455kcal, protein 2.5g, fat 22g, carbohydrate 53g.

Price: 13.09 lei (210g box); that's the equivalent of €3.05/ ₤2.63/ $4.25

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