loacker sandwich chocolate

15th of October, another visit from my parents.
"Anita, here, take this..."
"No, I've tried them, they're with peanuts..."
"How about this?" and my mother took something small and yellow out of her bag.
"Yes!" and I grabbed it fast.

I had tried them before, but still I wanted to taste them... again.

Loacker. I first discovered their products some five-six years ago. I thought they were good, very good.

The company was founded 85 years ago by Gotzis-born Alfons Loacker in Bolzano (that's the city where they have a very well preserved ice mummy in the Museum of Archaeology). Loacker wafers soon became famous in Northern Italy and, in 1979, they went international. In 2002, they launched the chocolate delicacy line Gran Pasticceria - this was the first Loacker range I tried. Loacker have been the wafer market leaders in Italy since 1985. Their logo represents the Schlern mountain, one of the landmarks of the region.

In addition to producing their own sweets, Loacker also distributes Ritter Sport chocolates in Italy. Which probably explains this bar (picture source).

The Loacker Sandwich 30g range seems to have become really popular here in Romania during this past year - I keep seeing them everywhere. I guess it must be their taste, combined with their small size and their affordable price. The one I got from my mother was the chocolate version.

A pleasant cocoa scent came out when I opened the pack. There were 12 small wafers inside, each one consisting of a layer of chocolate cream sandwiched between two wafers. The wafers were light, and I could feel cocoa and hazelnut influences in the taste of the cream.

Personally, I prefer the dark chocolate version (black wrapper), but this is also very nice.

Nutritional info per 100g of product: energy 499kcal, protein 7.7g, fat 25.3g, carbohydrates 60.2g.

Price: I got this pack from my mother, but as far as I know, they're less than 1.3 lei (per 30g pack) in hypermarkets; that's the equivalent of €0.3/ ₤0.27/ $0.42.

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with chocolate (38) chocolate (30) milk chocolate (27) dark chocolate (22) cocoa (13) ice-cream (13) Romania (12) Germany (11) cherry (11) alcohol (10) fruit (10) orange (10) caramel (9) hazelnut (9) vanilla (8) white chocolate (8) France (7) cake (7) muffin (7) chocolate chip (6) chocolate coating (6) cream (6) rum (6) spirit (6) Belgium (5) Halloren (5) Italy (5) coffee (5) filled chocolate (5) liqueur (5) wafer (5) Kaufland (4) Poland (4) almond (4) apple (4) marzipan (4) strawberry (4)