karmela family mini wafers with cocoa filling

Saturday, the 2nd of October.
"Do you want them?"
"I suppose so..." I had been thinking about trying them anyway, but I just kept delaying. I took them from my mother's hand and put them on a kitchen shelf. And then I left to see Ozzy. And I left my parents. I was going to come back and see the inside of The Black Church in my bathroom - daddy had caused an explosion which set my bathroom on fire. (In case there's anyone who didn't get it, The Black Church also survived a fire - that's why it's black! And I never went inside, but I suppose it's just as black as it is on the outside... and just as black as my bathroom was that night.) Everything else in the house was under a layer of ashes. Including this box of wafers.

What box? Well, it was a blue box that had Family written in the middle, the image of some cocoa wafers below and the image of... a family (I guess) above. I hadn't paid too much attention to it, not while I kept seeing it in supermarkets and not while my mother was showing it to me. But after wiping the ashes off it, I noticed two more things. First...

... Family Mini Waffles Cocoa Filling? Waffles?!? Weren't waffles those things my mother used to make when I was little? Not too often, as she didn't have a waffle iron back then and had to borrow one from a friend of hers. It's funny, I just looked for images of waffles - almost all of them have such regular shapes. My mother's used to come out quite irregular. They looked something like this, with lots of tiny "legs" all around. She used to make wafers as well, usually with a sort of walnut-honey-cocoa cream. Oh, it's even funnier that, if I google images of wafers, I find... mostly images of those wafers we learned about when we studied electronic devices.

The second thing I noticed before opening the box was the Karmela logo. Karmela? I don't know much about them, just that they're from Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria, that they were founded twelve years ago and that I've tried nice sweets from them. They have the Golden Cake range (link, image 1, image 2, image 3, image 4) - I've tried the Choco, the Blueberry, the Strawberry and the Fig. Most such products have failed to impress me, but theirs are nice. Their Medenca Delicious range, chocolate coated filled gingerbread (link, image 1, image 2), is also nice (I've tried both the Apple and the Plum). It's not Manner coated gingerbread (link, image) quality, but they're still good enough for their price. I've also tried the Caramel Cream Biscuits from their Karolina biscuits range(link, image 1, image 2), that one is also decent. It was time to try these Family mini wafers (link, image 1, image 2, image 3) as well.

Taking these Family Mini Waffles Cocoa Filling out of the box, I was pleasantly surprised to see they were in a nice transparent plastic bag which had the logo all over. However, I wasn't going to be pleasantly surprised by the taste. Taking my first bite, I detected a very unpleasant component of the taste. "Hazelnut? No, it's not hazelnut, it's something else..." I kept thinking about it, I knew I had encountered that taste before... but it was something I just couldn't put my finger on. Anyway, that meant I was only able to eat half a mini wafer that day. A couple of days later, a "poison" tea (really, really strong tea) helped me eat more as it was able to cancel almost any other taste. I found out today what that component of the taste was. I took the box to write the ingredients (see below) and that's how I learned. Peanuts! I cannot stand peanuts! Last time I touched peanuts (involuntarily!) was at the beginning of this year when I tried an ice-cream without knowing it had peanuts in it. Tastewise, it wasn't that bad because of the temperature. But as far as the overall texture of the ice-cream was concerned... I thought it was a disaster. But the last time I ate something with peanuts voluntarily was almost eight years ago (late 2002- early 2003).

 Wafer 23.5%: flour, sodium bicarbonate, salt.
 Cream 23.5%: sugar, vegetable oil, whey powder, powdered cocoa 6.6%, peanuts, lecithin, vanilla flavour.

Storage: keep in a dry and cool place, away from the sunlight.

Nutritional info per 100g of product: energy 550kcal, protein 5.3g, fat 31.6g, carbohydrates 61.1g.

Price: I cannot remember exactly what the price was in the supermarket, I received these from my mother; but this 500g box isn't more than 5 lei; that's the equivalent of €1.17/ ₤1.02/ $1.63

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