ben & jerry's scoops

Looks like it didn't take me long to get back to ice-cream. This time, another brand that I had never tried until recently - Ben & Jerry's. It was a bit of a surprise, I had read about them on the internet, but I didn't really think I had a chance to find them here. I was wrong. Last Thursday I went into a Leonidas shop and they had Ben & Jerry's ice-cream. A lot of flavours even, but most of them were a little to weird for me and contained things I don't like - peanut butter, marshmallows, cheese, mint, coffee... and if I could stand coffee cream in a chocolate, it just so happened that I went into the Leonidas shop the day after trying the first and probably the last (or at least the last for a very, very long time) coffee ive-cream in my life. Yes, I'll make an entry about that too.

I wanted to try three of the flavours, but I didn't want to buy three boxes (the "they're quite expensive, what if I don't like them?" factor) so I got a scoop of each. This way, I have no box to show (though I can tell you that the boxes look like the ones they show on the website). The only picture I have taken isn't very clear either, it was taken only after getting home (when it was beginning to melt) and you can only see two of the flavours (the bottom scoop was not visible).

The three flavours were Chocolate Macadamia (the scoop that's not visible in the picture), Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and Chocolate Fudge Brownie. They were certainly different from everything I had tried before. And different from what I had expected. I chose them from a catalog and I must admit I didn't pay much attention to the pictures or the description - only to the name. So I thought that the Chocolate Macadamia would be chocolate ice-cream with macadamias. Well, there was chocolate ice-cream and there were whole macadamias (and quite a lot for just one scoop - seven, I think?), but not only. There was also vanilla ice-cream and the macadamias had a thick chocolate coating. I was afraid they would be frozen solid and that I would break my teeth trying to eat them (for some strange reason I always have this fear when I eat ice-cream that contains solid things like whole nuts or wafers - think Nestle's KitKat ice-cream; it has never happened, but I still find myself looking at the ice-cream and thinking "oh, no, I'm going to break my teeth in this..." then again, I also cringe when I see a small dog with small teeth trying to bite something because I imagine the poor thing will break its teeth that way). It wasn't the case. The Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough was the one that was the most like what I had thought it would be (though I've only tried this flavour once, from Haagen-Dazs... I guess it's not something common here in Europe). The Chocolate Fudge Brownie - wow, I really had a surprise when it began to melt. I have tried a few chocolate brownie ice-creams before and they were all nice chocolate ice-creams with small brownie pieces. This one had huge brownie pieces. You coundn't really tell at first, but it became obvious when it began to melt. Their taste was different... I don't really know how to explain it, but it was a a different kind of sweet. It was still nice though. I like the G7 Gelati better, but I wouldn't say no to some other not so weird Ben & Jerry's flavours either.

Oh, since I only bought three scoops and not three boxes and I cannot seem to find this kind of information on their website, this entry doesn't have the ingredients list, storage & nutritional info on the product. Sorry about that.

Price: 5 lei per scoop (15 lei total); that's the equivalent of €1.17 (€3.51)/ ₤1.01 (₤3.03)/ $1.59 ($4.77).

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