paul viennese specialties and chocolate tart

Paul, again. I find their products horribly expensive, but, after trying that wonderful Macaron au Chocolat, I just had to try something else. This time it was Viennoiseries and one of their tarts (as I had heard positive opinions about those). I chose...

... Le Pain au chocolat, L'Escargot - pain aux raisins (the mini versions of these first two) and La Tarte au chocolat. Unfortunately, something went wrong on the way back home. I had the box with the chocolate tart and the bag with the other two in my backpack and, somehow, the box rolled over making the chocolate get on the inner walls of the box and leaving the tart looking... well, not photogenic at all anymore. So I didn't take a picture of the tart (I did find one on the internet, though). I just ate it. Photogenic or not, it was still damn tasty. A lot of times I am disappointed with tarts as I find the pastry part either too oily or too dry - it wasn't the case with this one. And the chocolate was delicious. Being the ugly one out of the three, the tart was the first to get eaten. Bad move! Because the other two products just weren't as good. There wasn't anything to dislike about them, but there wasn't anything to like either. They were just boring.

Nutritional info per 100g of product:
» Le Pain au chocolat: energy 445kcal, protein 7.76g, fat 21.79g, carbohydrates 52.81g, fibre 3.09g, sodium 0.97g.
» L'Escargot - pain aux raisins: energy 357kcal, protein 4.81g, fat 11.96g, carbohydrates 56.42g, fibre 2.05g, sodium 0.74g.

» Le Pain au chocolat/ L'Escargot - pain aux raisins: 2 lei each; that's the equivalent of €0.47/ ₤0.4/ $0.64.
» La Tarte au chocolat: 13 lei; that's the equivalent of €3.05/ ₤2.62/ $4.16.

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